PILOTING: Learning and Work hosts first adult numeracy network webinar
Written by Alex Stevenson, L&W.
Image: Hazel Klenk, Research Manager at L&W, shares insights into learner recruitment and engagement at the inaugural MEPN webinar.
Learning and Work Institute hosted the first webinar of its new Multiply Effective Practice Network (MEPN) on 28 th February 2023, as part of the RegALE project pilots.
MEPN aims to support adult education providers, policymakers and other stakeholders with the delivery of Multiply, a new three-year, £560m initiative by the UK government to support locally and regionally implemented adult numeracy programmes.
MEPN was launched in autumn 2022, and to date almost 250 stakeholders in local government adult education have signed up. The network was inspired by the RegALE publication Adult Learning Policies in Europe: An Insight of Regional and Local Stakeholders, which highlights the need for professional development opportunities for adult educators.
Following a survey of MEPN members, the theme chosen for the inaugural February webinar was the recruitment and engagement of adult numeracy learners. This reflected a common concern amongst stakeholders that many adults face barriers to returning to education, and maths learning in particular, due to poor experiences in school and challenges such as low confidence in the subject.
At the webinar, L&W’s Research Manager (and RegALE project team member) Hazel Klenk began the session with research insights into engaging adult learners, drawing on a recent research project into effective practice in English and maths for adult learners in London, and L&W’s wider evidence on effective practice in adult basic skills.
Other contributors included municipal adult education providers Haringey Learns (London) and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (Dorset), who shared insights into how they are using the Multiply programme to engage different kinds of learners in adult numeracy.
Over 100 people representing 75 organisations attended the session. Webinar participants welcomed the event, with one delegate commenting, ‘It was a good mix of research, practical examples that were very different, and an opportunity to share opinions’.