REGALE partners
European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA)
The European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) is the voice of non-formal adult education in Europe. EAEA is a transnational, non-profit association with 120 members in 43 countries. EAEA promotes adult learning and access to and participation in non-formal adult education for all, particularly for groups currently under-represented. EAEA promotes learner-centred approaches that take people’s lives into account and enable them to acquire all kinds of competences, with particular attention to basic and transversal skills.
European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (EARLALL)
The European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (EARLALL) is a Brussels-based network of regions aiming to contribute to EU policy-making and cooperate in projects in the field of lifelong learning. Based on the unique strengths of every region and local authority, EARLALL facilitates regional collaborations and partnerships, as well as an open and rapid exchange of knowledge in a context of trust and confidence. EARLALL believes that regions and local authorities have a privileged role in designing and implementing strategies related to it, since they are indirect contact with educational institutions, the business environment and, most notably, citizens.
Varaždin County
Varaždin County is one of 21 units of regional self-government in Croatia, located in the north-western part of Croatia. Administratively, it has 6 cities and 22 municipalities. Varaždin County today represents Croatian region with intense industrial and commercial activities. The surface of Varaždin County is 1261,29 m2 (2,23% of the total surface of the Republic of Croatia), and it has 175.951 inhabitants, which makes 4,16% of the total number of inhabitants in Croatia. Significant characteristic of Varaždin County geographical position is the border with the Republic of Slovenia and proximity to the borders with Austria and Hungary. It is one of the territorially smaller, but at the same time one of the most densely populated Croatian counties.
Vestland County Council (VCC)
Vestland County Council (VCC) is situated at the west coast of Norway. The county council is responsible for policies within the fields of upper secondary and adult education, career guidance for adults, regional and economic development, public and dental health, cultural affairs, integration and transport. Vestland County has about 630 000 inhabitants. Bergen, the second largest city in Norway, and Førde and Leikanger are the headquarters for the county administration. Main industries are linked to the blue sector; marine, maritime and energy and it is the number one export county in Norway. The County is linked with strong partnership to the municipalities, the labour market, the educational sector, research and innovation and to NGO’s. European cooperation and use of Erasmus+, Horizon and other programmes are important tools to reduce skills gap and provide skills and competences that are needed in the labour marked.

Hellenic Adult Education Association (HAEA)
Headquartered in Athens, the Hellenic Adult Education Association (HAEA) is a scientific non-profit network of adult educators, trainers and researchers from all over Greece. Founded in 2004, HAEA benefits from the voluntary time contributions of its members and the members of its Board of Directors, as well as the members of the editorial committee of HAEA’s journal “Adult Education”. Over the years, HAEA has become a recognized and very active community of practice in adult education and research within the Hellenic and the International framework. The mission of HAEA is the development of the scientific thought, action, research, information and the dialogue for Adult Education.

The Irish National Adult Learning Organisation (AONTAS) is a voluntary membership organisation established in 1969. AONTAS advocates for the right of all adults in Ireland to quality learning throughout their lives and promotes the value and benefits of lifelong learning by engaging with members. AONTAS has over 400 members from the formal and non-formal adult and community education sector as well as across the lifelong learning spectrum. AONTAS is represented on the Board of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). Since 2014 AONTAS were assigned the role of the National Co-ordinator for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult learning (EAAL) which highlights the need to increase participation in adult learning.
Estonian Non-Formal Adult Education Association (ENAEA)
The Estonian Non-Formal Adult Education Association (ENAEA) is the national umbrella organization for non-formal adult education organizations as providers of courses and has 58 member organisations. The focus of ENAEA is to insure that Lifelong Learning in Estonia supports learners’ needs and participants’ active involvement in study process, assuring the accessibility in learning for all. ENAEA is a strategical partner for Ministry of Education and Research.
Learning and Work Institute (L&W)
The Learning and Work Institute (L&W) is an independent research and policy organisation dedicated to lifelong learning, full employment and inclusion. We want everyone to have an opportunity to realise their ambitions and potential in learning, work and throughout life. We believe a better skilled workforce, in better paid jobs, is good for business, good for the economy, and good for society. We deliver research and development projects, evaluations and policy advice for Government departments and a range of other funders, and conferences, seminars and training for professionals in learning and employment. We deliver campaigns such as the Festival of Learning that inspire people to take up learning. L&W has extensive experience of running stakeholder and adult education provider networks, in local, regional and national contexts, and of working with adult education policymakers at the devolved UK national Governments and emerging regional levels of local government.

The Adult Education Association Baden-Württemberg (VHS Verband) is the professional and interest association of the 170 Volkshochschulen and their more than 700 branch offices in the German Bundesland Baden-Württemberg. Volkshochschulen are by far the most important providers of adult education in Germany. They are usually run by municipalities or other public authorities. In Baden-Württemberg, more than 2 million adults visit classes at the Volkshochschulen every year.
Lucca Municipality
The Lucca Municipality is a city and comune in Tuscany, Central Italy and is a part of the UNESCO’s Global Network of Learning Cities. Lucca was chosen as a learning city because of its work to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all ages. Lucca promotes educational initiatives like the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Fondazione Campus Lucca, and Istituto Musicale Boccherini, as well as its cultural initiatives: Teatro del Giglio, Biblioteca Pubblica, Musei Agora, Scuola della Pace. Annual events like Lucca Comics & Games, Lucca Classica, Il Summer Festival and Incontri sul Bello further demonstrate the city’s commitment to furthering understanding and the desire to know.
University of Florence
The University of Florence is an important and influential centre for research and higher training in Italy, with 1,800 lecturers and internal research staff, 1,600 technical and administrative staff, and over 1,600 research assistants and doctoral students. It offers a wide range of study programmes at various levels and in all areas of knowledge. The Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literatures and Psychology was established on 1 January 2019 with the aim of improving the overall efficiency of the departmental organization, resulting from the fusion of two humanistic departments: Education Science and Psychology and Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies.
Previous REGALE partners
Due to unexpected circumstances, we regret to inform you that our collaboration with Vuxenutbildningen Borås and the University of Siena in finalizing our project could not be completed as planned.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to both institutions for their valuable work and fruitful contributions throughout the project. Despite the unforeseen challenges that arose, their dedication and efforts were commendable, and we are grateful for the expertise and insights they brought to the table.
Vuxenutbildningen Borås
Vuxenutbildningen Borås provides Lower and upper Secondary Adult Education, Vocational Education and Training, Higher Vocational Education, Adult Education for people with cognitive or mental impairments and SFI Swedish for immigrants. They represent more 5000 students and 200 employees.
University of Siena
The University of Siena’s Department of Sciences of Education, Human Sciences and Intercultural Communication (DSFUCI) focuses on research, didactics, and third mission activities. DSFUCI has been working and is still working on a national and international level in different research issues that are also part of the teaching strategy within the degree courses. Issues such as informal education processes in working and social settings, multi-ethnic culture and society, education and training policies, learning organisations, institutional learning processes, innovation management within institutions are part of the research and investigation activities of the Department.
REGALE associated partners
Region Västra Götaland (Sweden), Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport Baden-Württemberg (Germany), Norwegian Association for Adult Learning (Norway), Tuscany region (Italy), Municipality of Larissa (Greece), Municipality of Thermi (Greece), Forum for Adult Learning in Northern Ireland (UK)